If you've found yourself here, it means you've read our blog post introducing Drake's Annotated Traveling Book Club, and you're intrigued about how such a thing might work.
Congratulations! Curiosity is the most important requirement for joining this tremendously exclusive Book Club. BE FOREWARNED! Drake's Annotated Traveling Book Club is a SIX MONTH COMMITMENT. Be absolutely sure you want to do this before signing up to join. Readers who join will be provided with Drake's Special Annotation Kit FREE! It's our Thank You for joining! |
Requirements, Expectations, and Commitments:
****In the event of an emergency, and you need to leave the Club before completing a Reading Cycle, please email Drake ASAP, so he can arrange to get the book you were sent either back to the original sender, or slip it back into the Reading Cycle.
- Commit to reading and annotating one new book each month, for six consecutive months.
- A maximum of six (6) Readers will be selected to join the Club, on a first-come, first-selected basis, per Reading Cycle.
- The Club will not begin reading until we have a commitment from six Readers. If, after a reasonable time, we discover fewer than six Readers want to join, we will augment the timing and number of books to include as many months as there are interested Readers.
- Purchase ONE (1) book [US trade paperback - 5"x8" or larger trim size], in a genre of your choosing. Your selection can be a book you've already read, or one you would like to read.
- Keep in mind that we only have a month to read each book... so avoid choosing books with more than 400 pages, please.
- When you've chosen the book, send the title and author in an email to Drake, so he can add it to the reading list, below. Please check the list before selecting your book, to avoid duplications.
- When the Reading Cycle officially begins, be sure to send a "clean" copy. Do Not Annotate The Book Before Shipping It To The First Reader in month one.
- Mail the book to the Reader whose name is on the list, after yours. Use USPS Media Mail with Tracking to ship books.
- Email the Title, Author, and Tracking information to the Reader AND Drake for verification.
- Using the Special Annotation Kit Drake provided to you, Annotate each book you read with your thoughts, feelings, favorite passages, questions, etc.
- Annotations can be as short or as long as you like. Annotation instructions and suggestions are included with the kit.
- At the end of each month, mail the book you just read and annotated to the next Reader on the list (via USPS Media Mail - with tracking).
- After the Reading Cycle is complete, the last book you receive should be the book you initially selected, fully annotated by the five previous Readers.
- Read and Annotate the book you selected.
- At the end of the Reading Cycle, commit to attending a Zoom Meeting so we can discuss the books we've read. We will work hard to take everyone's schedule into consideration when planning this gathering.
- After a full Reading Cycle has ended, you may sign up to read for another cycle, or leave the Club.
- Drake will keep an active "wait list" of interested Readers.
- New Readers will only be added when a spot becomes vacant.
- New Readers will only be added at the beginning of a new Reading Cycle.
- Readers who want to take a break from the Club may drop from the Club only after the Reading Cycle completes. Other Readers will be counting on you to complete the Cycle, after all.
- Readers who wish to return after taking a break, must sign up on the wait list to rejoin.
- Because USPS Media Mail shipping outside of the United States is currently unavailable, only those Readers with USA mailing addresses may join at this time. If we discover an inexpensive overseas shipping alternative, we will include other locations for future Reading Cycles.
****In the event of an emergency, and you need to leave the Club before completing a Reading Cycle, please email Drake ASAP, so he can arrange to get the book you were sent either back to the original sender, or slip it back into the Reading Cycle.
Current Readers:
Last Update: 1/30/2025
Past Reading List:Drake will keep an on-going list of the books we're reading, so future Reading Cycles don't duplicate. Please check your selections against this list before mailing them out to Readers. Thank you. |